
How can I become anonymous?

1 Micheal Jackson 2024-02-12 18:58

I have been battling suicidal thoughts for 35 years. I have been thinking of initiating a severe social withdraw with society because I have a deep hatred and fear of the law, society and the government. How can I disappear and become anonymous in my life forever? If you have any questions, please reply to me because I really want to know.

2 名無しさん 2024-02-19 15:20

learn you some opsec.
become a monk, go into woods, and start hunting.
ofcourse hunting means hacking.

3 名無しさん 2024-07-30 21:39

You apparently already know what you don't like and fear.
Maybe you could try to find what you like/need and focus on that.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't withdraw, but i think it's not sustainable in the long run if you don't have a goal / know what you want to do.

Learn OSINT to find people. Once you know the techniques you can better protect yourself.
Same with network programming.

4 Anon 2024-09-21 20:50

We donut forgive we donut forget. We are anonymoose.

Jokes aside, learn opsec, find a way to wipe any kind of data online you might have (emails, accounts etc), move to the highest mountain in Tibet, become a monk and die fighting for the glorious nation of Tibet against the evil red chinks.


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