Do people really?
OwO /mona/ has been fixed!
virtual vippers
vooper tables
not sure if this includes indie vtubers but i really don't like indie vtubers
I watch Fubuki sometimes, her voice is soothing.
Ah the pepeloni, pepeloni. You know the pepeloni? The no one? I always- I always order the domino, domino pepeloni; and without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni! I like pepeloni. I always- I always order the cheese-cheese pan. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. Ear of pizza. And then I order, when I order pepeloni the ear, it always have the pepeloni on the top. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't eat it!
there will probably be a surge of vtubers when the tech gets better
You're living under a rock, this already happened.
I'm waiting on FLOSS vtuber software.
Well yes. On both counts actually.
I mean, the tech still has room to improve, right? VR and AR still seem rough around the edges.
Also, what >>11 said.
But of course, I also live under a rock and found out about this since I wanted to wack my diddler long ago lmao. Now for the nonexistent regret which isn't possible anymore.
Train espeak-ng, make a mesh and then libfreenect* or too much effort? Do you mean FLOSS as in strictly freesoftware or are you looking for using purely ai vokipes?
Yeah I don't want to use proprietary software for something that is going to record everything I do with my face.
Try again do you mean opensourcesoftware with freesoftware or strictly freesoftware? Neither are proprietary but only one is free.
What I listed is GPL but I didn't list mesh software or STT software.
record everything I do with my face.
For this a double cam recorder might not be the best option, instead of libfreenect* how about a open chordata system to use with blender.
That way if something goes wrong, which it will, there's not a camera and only facial oddities to record. For microphones you might want to look into how speakers can become microphones and microphones can become speakers before discussing it.
this is another case of absolutely despicable activity that subjects only submit to it because the social circle requires it
this craze for wanting to reinforce the image of hurr-otaku-super-different-i-love-japan-real-world-sucks sucks a lot
i already hate women, now imagine real women pretending to be fake women for real men who say they don't like real women
our lord jesus christ, i really hate animufags (; ´m´)
this is a perfect opportunity think of messing with the hurr-otaku-super-different-i-love-japan-real-world-sucks by being a femboy holotard that took hrt then showing your holotard dick then later self doxing as being a guy
or you could just be a grifter and get the weeb bux
god hates fags and all proud sinners
>>18 God hates all abrahamic worshipers I never knew!
not all but many
all proud sinners and idolars many fags
i love my oshi polka
i love my oshi ina
They were good until corporations thought it'd be a good idea to turn them into idols and everyone ate it up. Otaku have no brains.
I don't think it would be hard to hack something together that did this using OpenCV.
It sounds nightmarish though.