

1 名無しさん 2020-06-13 06:39


2 ◆MhMRSATORI 2020-06-13 06:44

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3 Bardamu◆Ep8pui8Vw2 2020-06-13 07:09

Hadn't really hacked the code for a long time except for a few trivial modifications. Finally got myself to spend the hours needed to make a more complete MIT Scheme 2channel clone. Working with the base code is quite pleasant and surprisingly straightforward. Having to check something in the live instance when the atmosphere is detestable, not quite so. Ali jebi ga.
Time to move on to the next layer, other projects are waiting. I hope you'll keep enjoying this one.

4 ◆LISPubuNic 2020-06-13 08:11


5 ◆LISP/K/oNA 2020-06-13 08:27

fix top links

6 名無しさん 2020-06-13 10:49

Where's the source?

7 名無しさん 2020-06-14 06:33



git switch mona

8 名無しさん 2020-06-14 10:05

I'm disappointed that it's not synced with the fossil repo.

9 名無しさん 2020-06-14 16:49

You should just get used to that at this point. SchemeBBS is proprietary software.

10 名無しさん 2020-06-15 08:17


11 名無しさん 2020-06-15 12:06

I've exported it, you can check the latest commit in the Fossil repo.
There are 3 repos now and it's a bit tedious. Github (the most visible one) used to be automatically synced with Gitlab but they changed something, it broke the autosync and last time I checked I couldn't find this functionality again.
I'll eventually switch entirely to Fossil and use the nice wiki and ticket system and script something to autosync with git. There's a high probability that after a good cleanup and review ``the Software'' will be named SchemeBBS 1.0 and the development will stall. I'll fix bugs and that's it. I gave up on implementing what I envisioned as an antispam system even though that was the most audacious part. MIT Scheme's crypto is simply not up to the task. My attempts at porting the code to MIT Scheme 10 are not very encouraging either. I want to work on another related project, but I will be using another Scheme. The whole project was really a meme gone too far: rewriting Shiichan in MIT Scheme as a tribute to the old /prog/

I saw that it's already been advertized on HN and /r/Scheme (wasn't me, except the first unnoticed HN post 2.5 years ago) but there are several bug reports (and even fixes) to post on different places.
There's a more rewarding job to do: free this PHP imageboard code, it's a thousand times the size of SchemeBBS and it's used by a community a thousand time larger than the one who post here. They even give us the honor of their visit sometimes.

12 >>11 2020-06-15 12:26

Also the documentation for threads and FFI is mostly the source code. I'm sure edwin and imail source are worth studying, but that's for another life.

13 名無しさん 2020-06-15 15:22


There's a more rewarding job to do: free this PHP imageboard code, it's a thousand times the size of SchemeBBS and it's used by a community a thousand time larger than the one who post here. They even give us the honor of their visit sometimes.

Yep, MIT license. Their admins and mods are the most chill people on Earth. as history proved. I'm sure if you find the slightest difference between the Git version of their PHP Imageboard and the running site they'll promptly tell you how to clone those feats. They won't mind sharing all of their Server side confs too.

14 名無しさん 2020-06-15 16:53

I miss Arisuchan.

15 E 2021-04-16 00:02

There is a woman who lives with me and often fucks me, why does she stay?

16 名無しさん 2021-05-04 22:45

May be she thinks you're a nice fuck buddy?


do not edit these