I'm a few episodes in on Asobi Asobase. Great stuff.
I plan to rewatch some old classics. Cowboy Bebop, probably.
What is something someone who thoroughly enjoyed Asobi Asobase would like?
Watched Princess Tutu and Revue Starlight, and rewatched Yurikuma Arashi during the quarantine.
Planning to rewatch Sailor Moon with SO.
I never thought you could socialize with people at Stack Overflow. Not to the point of watching anime together at least, but that's very cute.
I meant my significant other but that's also an interesting idea. Although any attempt to rewatch something would get shut down as 'duplicate'.
The original Lupin III
The Tatami Galaxy
I just finished Tatami Galaxy the other day and absolutely loved it. Great show.
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Starting to think it might be advocating military...
just finished watching digimon tamers yesterday
Asobi Asobase now ^^
Cowboy Bebop. Kind of following this list...
spongebob squarepants
See recommendations near the bottom of this page:
First one is Nichijou - a show i have watched myself and also find recommendable...
Interesting, I watched Asobi Asobase in April of 2020, right around when OP watched it.
great armpit
joshiraku good
I was watching a JJBA edit that I made.
Those nigger moderators of 4chan's /a/ board deleted my thread at
I know it was deleted and didn't expire / 404 from being on page 10 or page 15 as it was recently posted in.
Post that I didn't get to make to that thread:
Yet another example of me spending hours on something then being insulted for it. Epic. I don't really care, for I think it is cool. However, others appertaining it would be neat too.
*which were"
Why did they dislike my thread so much? I am confused.
Apparently I am a "jojofag". LOL, I just liked the cover version of the music. They are hella toxic.
*appreciating it
What's with this new 4chan captcha fuckery?
Death Note reminds me of Hitler.
I suck dicks
>>33 asshole
Spirited Away
Rinne no Lagrange
I'm rewatching Pychopass. I am reminded time and time again how good it is.
I binge watched Oshi no Ko a few weeks ago.
lucky star
Frieren at the Funeral
Jujutsu Kaiesn
Vinland Saga
Das Finale 4 is out in japanese movie theatres! Here is a preview.
『ガールズ&パンツァー 最終章』第4話 本編冒頭映像
EMOTION Label Channel